Greenwood Food Rescue Program


While volunteering during lunchtime at Greenwood, mother and PTO volunteer Shyan Ong got tired of seeing good food end up in the trash. With the support and help of Principal Back and Wakefield Public School’s food-services staff, she researched, piloted, and launched the Food Rescue Program to benefit community members in need. 


While Greenwood students are encouraged to take leftovers that come with their purchased lunch home, they now have the option of donating them if desired. Kids can now donate any uneaten/sealed items by depositing them in a designated cooler at the end of their meal. Such items include yogurt, juice, bagels, milk, cheese sticks, fruit cups, bagged fruits, and vegetables, as well as whole fruits like bananas and apples.  


Collected items are then donated to area food pantries. The program is based on a proven model that has been in operation in other school districts and is approved by the FDA.

The Food Rescue Program could use a few minutes of your support. Program Chair and Volunteers are needed to simply stop by during lunchtime and tell the kids about the program, make sure the cooler is out to collect any unwanted food to be rescued, and/or to put the cooler and food into the fridge after lunch. Volunteers may also be needed once or twice a week to pick up and transport the collected food to food pantries.

To learn more or help out, please email the Greenwood PTO Board.

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