From the Principal

Dear Parents,

Kindergarten registration will take place for our 2018/2019 incoming kindergarten students from January 22, 2018 — February 2, 2018 at the Superintendent’s office. If you know of any new families that have moved to your neighborhood, please tell them to contact the Linda Muldowney at 781-246-6400 extension 6916 for more information.

Grades closed Friday, January 19 and report cards will be sent home Friday, January 26. Parents will need to access report cards through iParent (our student service portal). This is also where we get our emergency contact information for families. This is a good time of year to update any changes to your emergency contact information.  Please click or paste the address into your browser to begin the registration process if you have not registered your child. Should you have any problems registering in iParent, please email Donna Cushman at

Our second grade students completed their Ancestry Research Projects and shared all that they learned about the many different cultures their ancestors immigrated from with our school community and their families. It was a wonderful culminating activity that was enjoyed by all! Our fourth graders led our All School Meeting last Friday sharing with our school community what perseverance means to them. They did a wonderful job!

Have a great week!

Deb Collura