19th Annual WEF Chocolate Rose Sale -- through February 12th!

Wakefield Educational Foundation (WEF) is launching our Chocolate Rose Sale now through Wednesday, February 12th.  For families with children in the Wakefield Public Schools, notices were sent home via each school over the past week .  Order forms are also available for Wakefield residents on our website  www.wakefieldeducationalfoundation.org. Each rose is individually wrapped, made of the finest ingredients and may be manufactured in a facility that may process nut products.  The cost per rose is just $1! Chocolate Roses are the perfect ‘little something’ to bring to your beloved relatives, friends, co-workers, bosses, neighbors and teachers during the Valentine’s Day holiday! 

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Roses are in stock now, so orders will be filled as they are received.  Most students will receive orders at school, while larger orders and Wakefield residents outside of the school system can make special delivery arrangements by contacting WEF at wakefieldeducationalfoundation@gmail.com
The top 2 sellers at each elementary school and the top 4 sellers at the Galvin Middle School will win a $25 gift certificate to a store of their choice!

The Chocolate Rose Sale is one of WEF’s major fundraisers!  The success of this fundraiser is crucial in determining the amount of grants we can award to the Wakefield Public Schools for next year.  Our 2019 grant program awarded over $31,000 via grants across the seven schools in the district so visit our website to see exactly how WEF dollars are being put to work!

Wakefield Educational Foundation is a Massachusetts incorporated non-profit, tax exempt foundation.  Run by volunteer Wakefield residents, we are supported by donations from individuals, businesses and civic organizations in our community and also by funds raised during several WEF fundraising efforts held throughout the year.  Our mission is to provide a vehicle for the community to acknowledge, support and promote academic excellence in the Wakefield Public Schools. Since our inception, WEF has awarded over $380,000 in grants to benefit students and staff in the Wakefield Public Schools.  For more information and to see how your donation is being put to work in our community, visit www.wakefieldeducationalfoundation.org/