From the Principal 10/16/23

Dear Greenwood Families,

Happy Monday! I got a bit of a chuckle when I sat down to write my opening blurb this week. I was trying to avoid the same old topics…yes, time is flying by. Yes, yes, it’s been very rainy on the weekends for so long. Yes, yes, yes, fall is great. So I thought, “Maybe if I see what I was writing about last year at this time, I’ll get some inspiration!” Only to discover that I was writing about…how I couldn’t think of anything to write about. Go figure!

Early Release - Wednesday, October 18th Our next early release day for students is on Wednesday, October 18th. All students will be dismissed at 11:55 a.m. in order for WPS staff to have professional development sessions in the afternoon. Please note: there will be a scheduled lunch block for students prior to dismissal.

Talking with Children About Current Events - Resource for Families Our Greenwood community encompasses staff, students, and families from a wide variety of backgrounds, and that means that the horrific events that have taken place in Israel/Gaza over the past week will land differently for different people. That being said, social media is everywhere and it can be extremely challenging to completely control what all children are seeing and hearing. Jenny Beardslee, our School Psychologist, shared this article with staff and I thought it might be of use for families to help children process any confusing or upsetting thoughts and feelings. If you think your child needs additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Soccer Night in Wakefield On Friday, October 20th, the WMHS Soccer Teams are hosting a community event to celebrate soccer for all ages. Please see the linked flyer for more details.

WPS Parent University Wakefield Public Schools is kicking off the fall semester of Parent University with three keynote sessions for parents and caregivers. Topics will include dyslexia, childhood health and wellness, and underage drinking. Registration is now open for these three fall sessions. For more information, visit the website!

Lunchroom Volunteers Thank you to all of the fantastically-dedicated volunteers who have been making lunchtime a little brighter! You are so greatly appreciated!

Do you have any free time between 12:00-1:10pm on school days? Or 10:30-11:50am on early release days? Looking for a way to help out at Greenwood? Then join us for our lunchroom volunteer opportunities! If you’d like to come in and help support students while they’re eating lunch, please see the linked Sign-Up Genius to select time slots through the beginning of November. Single days, multiple days, one time slot, the whole lunch block…we welcome any and all helpers!

Lunchroom volunteers will help students with those tricky thermoses, hand out napkins and utensils, support students while they sort items into composting/food rescue/trash, and help clean tables at the end of each lunch. Oh, and the most important thing - bring smiles and laughter!

NOTE: You will need to have a CORI form completed before coming in for any lunch shifts - please contact Ms. Paiva about the process or to check if you have a current one on file

Greenwood School Social Media We are on Facebook and Instagram, and one of my personal goals this year is to show off the fun we’re having throughout Greenwood! Check us out - @wpsgreenwood on both Instagram and Facebook!

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning! Let’s have a great week!

Tiffany Back