AuthorFest 2023 -- Author Spotlight: Jacqueline Davies

AuthorFest is thrilled to welcome Jacqueline Davies, who will be visiting Greenwood’s 2nd grade students on Tuesday, March 7th!

Jacqueline Davies has lived more places than she has fingers and toes. She moved six times before fifth grade, and she credits all that moving around with making her an excellent observer of people and life. (She’s also very good at packing.) She discovered her love of writing when she was young, penning her first illustrated book in the third grade. It was called The Sad Shape, and although it never got published, she still enjoys sharing it with young readers and writers today.

Jacqueline has three grown children and way too many houseplants. She divides her time between a town just outside of Boston and a cabin on the wild coast of Maine. She writes picture books, early chapter books, middle-grade novels, and young adult novels. In addition, she almost always has a suitcase that is in the process of being packed or unpacked.

Learn more about Jacqueline and her books at .