Greenwood Community Garden Updates

Spring has sprung & The Greenwood School Garden plants are sprouting! 

We are thrilled to announce the Greenwood Garden is receiving a Roots & Shoots mini grant of $200 from the Dr. Jane Goodall Institute to expand our pollinator beds. You may have noticed two new empty beds next to the existing pollinator garden beds. Those beds are for the kindergarten classrooms to plant native plants and extend our existing pollinator garden for bees, ants, birds, and other pollinators.

Last fall the kindergarten classrooms planted over 250 spring bulbs of daffodils and tulips. The spring flowers looked spectacular!

In the next coming weeks we will be getting the soil for the new beds and additional bags to top off the vegetable beds, herb garden, and shade garden. Maintaining a garden takes many hands to water and weed in order to keep the plants thriving. We will need your help! So, if you love being outdoors and gardening, please sign up for our garden volunteer list here.