Wakefield Community Mental Health Forum

From the Principal: 1/11/21

From the Principal: 1/11/21

Principal Back addresses last week’s events and shares some resources for discussing them with children; reminds families of the upcoming Specialist Switchover and the Wee the People workshops that every grade 2-4 class will participate in; shares important information about home-school communication during required quarantine/isolation; and shares messages about upcoming community events — the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Coretta Scott King Day Celebration and the Wakefield Community Mental Health Forum.

From the Principal: 2/3/20

From the Principal: 2/3/20

Principal Back shares that Global Play Day will take place this Wednesday, announces the Fourth Grade’s Spare Change Drive for Puerto Rico, and provides two district Save the Dates—for Wakefield STEAM Night and the Wakefield Community Mental Health Forum.