book fair

From the Principal: 11/16/20

From the Principal: 11/16/20

Principal Back reiterates important safety and health guidelines and urges families to remain vigilant both in and out of school, reminds families that face masks must be worn on the playground, and shares the resources for Social-Emotional support that were presented at last week’s PTO meeting.

From the Principal

From the Principal

We have a very busy week ahead!  Our grade 3 & 4 students will take the state ELA MCAS assessment beginning Thursday 4/27, and on Monday 5/1, and Tuesday 5/2. We ask that parents make every effort to have students arrive to school on time at 8:40 as testing will begin promptly at 9:00 am each morning. If a student arrives after testing begins the student will not be allowed to enter the classrooms and will have to make up the session.