From the Principal: Jan 21

Dear Greenwood Families,

Even though your long weekend likely involved some time spent moving piles of snow around, I hope that you also found plenty of time for rest, relaxation, and fun after a busy week at school. We’re also hopeful that the extra day off provides another opportunity for everyone to get (and stay) healthy!

All School Meeting Recap

On Friday morning, our 4th grade ran the All School Meeting with a focus on the core value of “Perseverance.” After opening with a song, they shared that “perseverance is the ability to keep doing something even when there are obstacles or problems. People who persevere continue even if it is hard or takes a long time to reach the goal!!” The students made posters to illustrate ways that they persevere. The school then watched a short film that showed a good example of perseverance. Be sure to ask your child about what they learned!

Lost and Found

Is your child missing mittens? A hat? Miscellaneous items of clothing? Come and check out the items that have been collected in the lost & found bin! Actually, at the moment, it’s more like “in and around” the bin because of the amount of unclaimed property, and we’d love to reunite owners with their belongings. Come and take a look!

Kindergarten Registration

Do you have a child who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2019? Do you know someone else who does? Kindergarten Registration for the 2019-2020 school year will begin on Monday, January 28th and end on Wednesday, February 6th. Information about necessary forms can be found on the Wakefield Public School website. Please spread the word!

Thank you for everything you do to support your children and their learning!

Tiffany Back